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USA Martial Arts • 942 Tiffany Road Suite C, Antioch, IL 60002 • (847) 838-4488
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Teaching how Black Belt Excellence is more than a “Sport”, It’s a “Way Of Life”.

Martial Arts Build’s Confidence “Outstanding Antioch Kids Karate Class Teaches Kids How To Focus While They Learn Safety Skills, Life Skills and Martial Arts Techniques In Fun, Exciting Classes”

 From giving kids a sense of focus and discipline...

to helping kids overcome ADD and other hardships… our martial arts classes are shocking parents at the kinds of results their children are seeing.

It's never easy hearing your child talk about being picked on by a bully. You want to feel safe sending your child to school – not on edge and worried about their well-being. Unfortunately, every school has a bully in some shape or form... But what if your child knew how to easily deal with them (in a non-violent way?)

Some kids have trouble finding something they're passionate about. For other kids – its easy and natural. But there are some kids who just haven't found the right activity yet... They seem a bit “lost” or maybe like they don't care. But really, they just haven't found something that's right for them.

 Does your kid love running around and exercising – but just doesn't seem to fit into team sports? They're not alone. Many kids are like this. Team sports are not for everyone. In fact, team sports can often hurt your kid's self-esteem if they're just really not cut out for them.

However, your kid could really be a shining athlete. Maybe they just haven't found the right sport to shine at yet. Martial arts could be just the thing to get them going – and help them develop their natural, athletic abilities.

Some kids just cant sit still. They seem to have this inner-fire constantly burning – and they just cant relax and take a deep breath. If only they could find a way to be calm… their lives would change so much for the better.

Many people think medication is the only thing that can help – but they don't feel comfortable with it. They want a natural, healthy way to help their child...

 To be honest - there are more reasons than I could possibly name why people come into our doors. Maybe you could really relate to some of the ones above... or maybe you have reasons of your own.

However - through martial arts we've helped children with all of these issues and more.

In fact, nothing makes me happier than seeing a child's self-esteem shoot through the roof… or hearing how their grades have improved... seeing them open up and come out of their shell...

It's what keeps me going, day in and day out :)

That is why we Infuse Ancient Secrets of the Far East, with Good Old American Fun, to Help You and Your Child See These Amazing Changes in Your Lives…

Unshakeable focus and attention.

In martial arts, we help children calm their minds to give them a sense of unshakeable focus. As a result - they make better grades, pay better attention during conversation, and are overall more calm and at peace...

And as a result, they smile bigger, and more often. They open up more, and feel happier and more confident in themselves.

Better grades

Believe it or not - we've seen plenty of kids go from D's and F's to A's and B's! And kids who were making B's and C's are now making A's, too! When you learn to control your mind - and direct your focus and energy - the sky's the limit. Also, your child will feel proud of their grades.

When you hang those great report cards on the fridge – they'll be ecstatic. And you'll get to show them off to all of the other parents, too :-)

A deep respect for self and others.

One of the things parents often tell us is what their kids' teachers are saying. Many teachers are simply dumbfounded by the level of respect kids in martial arts give them. They refer to them as “sir” and “ma'am” - and don't have to be told more than once to get things done.

This goes for school, and home! If you have to tell your child 10x before they'll get anything done – get ready for a major change...

The ability & confidence to stand up

for themselves - and others.

The myth about bullies is absolutely true: if you stand up to them, they back down. However, most kids are too scared to stand up to them. But when your child's confidence dramatically grows, they'll have the confidence to stand up for themselves - and other kids - when a bully gets in their face.

No kid will ever be able to pick on, or take anything away, from your child. Ever. Your child will have the ability, and the confidence, to defend themselves and others.

And of course - FUN!

Don't be surprised when your kid starts reminding you that it's time to go to martial arts class! It happens all the time. Parents who are used to “dragging” their kids everywhere breathe a sigh of relief... when their kids are the ones anxious to get out the door.

Hi my name is Master Brian Van Patten.

Parents bring their children to our center for all kinds of reasons. But most importantly – they want to help their children have fun while growing important life skills.

However, there seems to be other “key” reasons why parents bring their children here also.

Do any of these sound familiar? Or are there other things that have brought you here to this page today?

Many parents have really smart kids – but they just have a hard time focusing, and getting their work done. As a result, their grades suffer. And often, their self-esteem goes down with their grades. If only they could learn to focus and pay attention...

If after a few classes you think this is not right fit for you and your child, simply let us know and we will gladly refund you in full.

That way you can use that same money to invest in something else for your child.

But chances are you will love it here. And so will your kid.

Either way - you are more than welcome to try it out risk free.

Get Started Click Here That is why we Infuse Ancient Secrets of the Far East, with Good Old American Fun, to Help You and Your Child See These Amazing Changes in Your Lives…

Complete Financial Transparency: Our Policy with Money and Membership

This school embraces the practice of complete financial transparency with regards to membership. We post our prices and policies on-line; we do not engage in ANY business practice designed to mislead or manipulate our members into unexpected or unhealthy financial arrangements.

BUYERS BEWARE as there are martial arts schools that purposely mislead and/or intend to manipulate customers into “upgrading” memberships and/or into signing one-sided, long-term contracts for membership. Be careful of those that say “No contracts required EVER!” as a month to month agree is a contract. We offer many options for our members that don’t require commitments beyond the month.

Martial Arts Tiger’s classes at USA Martial Arts are $145 on a month to month program for two classes each week and no reoccurring payment. For those that wish to save money the monthly fees is $129 per month on a reoccurring payment that you control. We also offer students membership on punch pass for those that wish to not be on a monthly program.

We do have a charge for belts, testing (promotions) below black-belt. These are $65 for belts below black belt.

Lastly we do have a one time registration fee of $60 making the first payment $189.

If you have questions about our pricing, please don't hesitate to contact us at 847-838-4488 or email us antiochkarate@gmail.com.

Check Out Our Class

Schedule &

See Our One Time

Web Special

Before Making Any


Just Click Below

To a Loving Parent, “A notable improvement, in a few weeks…”

“Are the classes safe?”

The average ratio is only ten students to one instructor. Our children's curriculum has been designed to accommodate ages 6 and up.  This allows children to successfully learn and perform their moves so that they will feel good about themselves. Our curriculum is challenging but never too difficult. And all the classes are highly supervised by our instructors.

“Will my child have fun?”

Motivation, excitement and fun are the essential tools we use to increase the learning and performance of our Karate kids.  Karate is good, clean fun for kids. We offer various school events that teach children how to get along better with others. Learning creates a spirit of teamwork and a sense of belonging.  In recent months our students have met Martial Arts stars, attended sleep overs, pizza parties, summer fun camp and much more.

“Will my child learn to be abusive?”

Every child is taught our "student creed", which is a necessary part of learning the philosophy of our school.  Student creed number three states.... "I will use common sense before self-defense and never be abusive or offensive".  Our creed is a commitment students learn in order to maintain the courtesy and integrity of our Art.

“How much does it cost ?”

Currently our school offers a great starter program.  Our focus is to teach children "life skills".  This program will include a semi private classes to get your child started and a free uniform.  Because a structure of respect, courtesy and honesty is built into martial arts, children develop the ability to listen, learn, and achieve with a highly regulated environment. If you have ever thought about getting your child started in the lasting benefits of Karate - now is the time.

“At what age can my child start Martial Arts classes?”

Our Little Dragons program is for kids starting 4 years old. We have our youth programs going all the way to teenagers.

The truth is that martial arts training is appropriate for all ages 4 and up. We have a program that is the right fit for all ages.

Don’t Forget about Our Guarantee

Not every Child is a fit in our program.

Our Martial Arts classes are not a perfect program for all kids,

so when our program is not, we offer you to following guarantee.

Check It Out Today!

Get started Today is Simple

press the "Get Started" button Below.

You will be taken to a page where you can see our class schedule & our web special,

where you can order right away.Then, after making your (risk-free) payment,

one of our helpful staff members will give you a call (usually within the week)

to schedule a time for your child to get started.

Check Out Our Class Schedule & Web Special! Click Below Before Making Any Commitments. Don’t forget, your purchase is completely risk-free with our money-back guarantee.

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing,

          you’ll never get it done.” ~ Bruce Lee

Our classes have limited space and can fill up at any time. So to insure a spot for your child, take action now and click the “Get Started” button above.

We cannot wait to meet your family and get your child started!


Master Instructor Brian Van Patten

USA Martial Arts

22221 W IL Rt. 173 Suite 111

Antioch, IL 60002

(847) 838-4488

“She cannot wait to get to class.” “WOW! He did his homework the without me asking!” “The bully backed down!” Read This!

It is stories like these that are my reward for the time invested in teaching.

It is the joy and excitement in students when the learn to do something they never dream the could do.

It is all the times I see the results of how lives are enriched with skills that will stay with them for a life time.

These are the reasons I teach and would not trade this for anything.

It would be an honor to help share the martial arts experience with your child.

I hope your concerns have been covered, but if you still have any questions, please stop or give us a call.

Below are some of the common questions other have asked and our answers to the concerns.

My son, Ethan, is 9 years old and in the gifted program at school. He has been getting bullied by the same kid for a long time. After a starting martial arts he learned how to deal with bullies and have the confidence to stand up for himself. Today my son came home from school so happy. I found out that at school that day the bully started to pick on my son again on the playground. This time Ethan stood up for himself and without having to fight got the bully to back off.

Thank You So Much!

- Angela Heartman (Ethan's mom)

Our son Nicholas struggled with his grades at school.  Months after joining USA Martial Arts I am pleased to report Nicholas has gone from C’s & D’s to A’s & B’s.  He is turning in his work on time and putting forth the effort to do well.  In addition to his grades, Nicholas has developed a high level of self confidence in learning.  We feel Nicholas’ improvements are a direct result of his involvement with your program.

Thank you,

- Matthew Applequest (Nicholas's Dad)

My daughter loves this school and I am very glad she's learning martial arts in such a fun atmosphere.  I'm not sure who's more enthused, my daughter about going to class or the instructors when they see her excitement, but she's learning a lot from them because they provide that rare individual attention. Before she started martial arts she wouldn’t stick to anything. I can highly recommend USA Martial Arts Madison (my 9-year-old daughter) attends.

- Christopher Loving (Madison’s Dad)

I am unable to show my gratitude for how my son has changed. He started showing more respect to me and his teachers right after his first class. You just don’t see kids these days doing this. He learned that respect needs to be given if you want others to respect you. He is using “Sir” and “Ma’am” when addressing others. Mark’s attitude is so much better and filled with smiles and joy. I am so glad I got him started in martial arts.

- Melissa Johnson (Mark’s Mom)

Tuition Transparency (Program cost)

Valid for 30 days from date of purchase.