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USA Martial Arts • 942 Tiffany Road Suite C, Antioch, IL 60002 • (847) 838-4488
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Teaching how Black Belt Excellence is more than a “Sport”, It’s a “Way Of Life”.

The Little Dragons Program at USA Martial Arts is for children from the ages of 3 to 5 years old. The Little Dragons Program is a detailed program that focuses on developing both motor and listening skills. Our instructors will work with your child and teach them important life skills such as listening, sharing, friendship, and self-esteem, while helping them with their physical development in a fun and safe atmosphere.

The Little Dragon Program is a detailed curriculum that focuses on improving preschool-aged children's basic motor skills and listening skills. These skills will help them enter society with a more confident and enthusiastic outlook. They will become better students at school, better listeners at home, and more ambitious towards the future.

The Little Dragon Program will also prepare your child for our main Martial Arts Program. In the Little Dragon classes, your child will be exposed to positive social interaction. They will learn how to work with others and follow directions from their instructors. Our Little Dragon Instructors are good role models who are trained specifically to work with preschool-aged children.

The Little Dragon curriculum consists of developing 8 major skills that are necessary for participation in any sport or activity. The curriculum contains 8 Little Dragon Personal Development skills that are used to reinforce family values. Upon completion of our Little Dragon Program, your child will become focused and motivated to achieve any goal they set in life.

The 8 Little Dragon skill requirements are composed of physical and mental benefits. The following are the skills with the benefits from participating in the Little Dragon class:

Focus - This skill will help your child's aim, listening skills, and reaction skills. They will excel faster in any physical activities. Your child will also become a listener and more focused student in school.

Teamwork - Teamwork is necessary for any young child to develop. The more confident your child is willing to work with others, the more they will get accomplished. Your child will develop character, which will help him/her make new friends and become a better leader in life.

Control - Having control means making good decisions. Whether your child is handling a pet or handling a problem, your child will learn to make the right decisions with good control. Control builds confidence in children.

Balance - This skill is crucial to develop at an early age. Your child is beginning to participate in many physical activities that are challenging, like riding a two-wheel bicycle. Your child will develop good balance and a better posture.

Memory - Developing a good memory is exercise for your child's brain. The sooner your child exercises, the bigger and smarter they will be. Our drills are constantly helping your child think and make smart decisions.

Discipline - Our instructors use the Little dragons drills to help create the vision that discipline is fun and rewarding. Your child will take pride in doing the right thing. They will also follow directions better.

Fitness - It is important for children to understand the importance of being healthy and physically fit. If they do not burn off excess energy exercising, what else will they do to burn off all of that energy?

Coordination - Your child will learn their left from their right. They will become better physical participants in sports and activities. The better coordination they have, the less injuries they will have.

In our Little Dragon classes, we make learning fun and educational. Our goal is to help your preschooler be the best they can be at everything they put their minds to. Our motto is "Little Dragon today, leaders tomorrow."

Most children can begin as soon as they turn three years of age.  We look for three basic things in the child when we are taking them through their first introductory class.

First, can they listen and obey instructions?  Before children reach three years of age it is difficult for a child to listen to instructions in a group setting.  They have to be talked to as an individual.  But children that can hear and listen to instructions with other children present are ready for the Lil’ Dragon Program.  That does not mean they have to be able to follow the instructions completely.  For instance, if we ask them to put their left leg forward and they put their right, they are still following instructions; they just have not comprehended right and left.

Second, we look for children to have the attention span necessary to stay in the 20 – 25 minute class.  This does not mean that they have their complete focus on everything in the class.  Focus will come with time.

Third, we look to see if a child is reasonably correctable.  That means if the child is doing something wrong, and you correct them (i.e. back to the left and right illustration), they try to correct themselves.  That does not mean that they will necessarily remember later, or that they will always get it right, but they do try.

Children at six years of age are always ready to begin in the youth martial arts program.  Some children that are five will not have to go into the Lil’ Dragon program and will do fine in the youth program.  There is no certain age, and certainly the children in the Lil’ Dragon Program will be able to move up more quickly.

If your child begins to show an over ease with the Lil’ Dragon Drills and almost a slight boredom to the classes, your child is definitely ready to move on to the next level.  It well become obvious that your child is looking for a bigger challenge.

When your child shows a very strong memory for remembering material taught in previous classes, you can be sure that now is the time to get your child into the next level of training.

Talk to the instructor immediately when you see these signs.  Many times the instructor is keeping an eye on your child to see when he/she appears to be ready.  We want them in the next level of training as much as you do.

We know the more challenges we can encourage a child to face at a young age, the faster they will excel.

When is my child ready to move into the Regular Karate Program?

Click Here

“Outstanding Antioch Little Dragons Class

Teaches Kids How To Focus While They Learn

Safety Skills, Life Skills and Martial Arts Techniques

In Fun, Exciting Classes”

Hi my name is Master Brian Van Patten,

Parents bring their children to our center for all kinds of reasons. But most importantly - They want to help their children have fun while growing important life skills.

However, there seems to be other “key” reasons why parents bring their children here also.

Do any of these sound familiar? Or are there other things that have brought you here to this page today?

Martial Arts Build’s Confidence

From giving kids a sense of focus and discipline…

to helping kids overcome ADD and other hardships…

our martial arts classes are shocking parents at the

kinds of results their children are seeing.

Shyness can keep kids from learning the social skills that let them be part of a group, and it can compromise their school performance by making them anxious about asking questions.  Worst of all, shy kids can begin a pattern of isolation that keeps them from meeting others, beginning friendships and romances, and simply connecting with other human beings.  Scientists now think that social contact is one of our most important human needs, positively impacting our emotional and physical health on every level throughout our lives.

It is infuriating when it feels like your child ignores the directions that you have given. As a parent, it’s frustrating to feel like your child doesn’t have the listening skills that she needs to be able to understand, remember and act upon what you have told her. But this is a normal part of the development process and one of the reasons that parents of preschoolers require wells of patience in order to assist their children in growing up with normal, healthy development.

You not only want to teach your child good listening skills so that she can do what you say needs to be done but you also want to make sure she has those skills so that she will do well in school, get along with peers and be able to engage in appropriate social behavior in groups.

You may find it hard to believe, but even toddlers and preschoolers can be overweight. And you can't always rely on yourself as a parent to recognize it.

Being an overweight toddler can set your child up to become an overweight adult, and that can put him at risk for all kinds of medical problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. With childhood obesity at an all-time high in this country it is estimated that 14 percent of kids ages two to five are obese.

 To be honest - there are more reasons than I could possibly name why people come into our doors. Maybe you could really relate to some of the ones above... or maybe you have reasons of your own.

However - through martial arts we've helped children with all of these issues and more.

In fact, nothing makes me happier than seeing a child's self-esteem shoot through the roof… or hearing how their grades have improved... seeing them open up and come out of their shell...

It's what keeps me going, day in and day out :)

That is why we Infuse Ancient Secrets of the Far East, with Good Old American Fun, to Help You and Your Child See These Amazing Changes in Your Lives…

And of course - FUN!

Don't be surprised when your kid starts reminding you that it's time to go to martial arts class! It happens all the time. Parents who are used to “dragging” their kids everywhere breathe a sigh of relief... when their kids are the ones anxious to get out the door.

“A notable improvement, in a few weeks…”

What is in it for you and your child?

The children will learn martial arts related skills, in such a manner that the classes are fun. Our approach to teaching, is specifically designed for children under 6. Your children will learn:

1) Life skills such as "sea safety" and "Stranger Awareness"

2) Safety skills such as health, first aid and weather.

3) Martial skills such as attention, balance, coordination, discipline and listening.

4) Positive encouragement to help achieve goals

- Award Badges

- New Belts and Certificates

- Reward Stickers

- Tips for how to practice with your child at home

Don’t forget, your purchase is completely risk-free with our money-back guarantee. Get Started Check Out Our Class Schedule & Web Special! Click Below Before Making Any Commitments.

When is my child ready to begin Lil’ Dragons?

Complete Financial Transparency: Our Policy with Money and Membership

This school embraces the practice of complete financial transparency with regards to membership. We post our prices and policies on-line; we do not engage in ANY business practice designed to mislead or manipulate our members into unexpected or unhealthy financial arrangements.

BUYERS BEWARE as there are martial arts schools that purposely mislead and/or intend to manipulate customers into “upgrading” memberships and/or into signing one-sided, long-term contracts for membership. Be careful of those that say “No contracts required EVER!” as a month to month agree is a contract. We offer many options for our members that don’t require commitments beyond the month.

Little Dragons classes at USA Martial Arts are $119 on a month to month program for two classes each week and no reoccurring payment. For those that wish to save money the monthly fees is $99 per month on a reoccurring payment that you control. We also offer students membership on punch pass for those that wish to not be on a monthly program.

We do have a charge for belts, testing (promotions) below black-belt. These are $35 for belts below black belt.

Lastly we do have a one time registration fee of $59 making the first payment $178.

If you have questions about our pricing, please don't hesitate to contact us at 847-838-4488 or email us antiochkarate@gmail.com.

Check Out Our Class

Schedule &

See Our One Time

Web Special

Before Making Any


Just Click Below

To a Loving Parent, Don’t Forget about Our Guarantee

Not every child is a fit in our program.

Our Little Dragons classes are a perfect program for most children,

But when it is not we offer you to following guarantee.

Check It Out Today!

Get started Today is Simple

press the "Get Started" button Below.

You will be taken to a page where you can see our class schedule & our web special,

where you can order right away.Then, after making your (risk-free) payment,

one of our helpful staff members will give you a call (usually within the week)

to schedule a time for your child to get started.

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing,

you’ll never get it done.” ~ Bruce Lee

Our classes have limited space and can fill up at any time. So to insure a spot for your child, take action now and click the “Get Started” button above.

We cannot wait to meet your family and get your child started!


Master Instructor Brian Van Patten

USA Martial Arts

22221 W IL Rt. 173 Suite 111

Antioch, IL 60002

(847) 838-4488

(Program cost)

Valid for 30 days from date of purchase.