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USA Martial Arts • 942 Tiffany Road Suite C, Antioch, IL 60002 • (847) 838-4488
Home Programs About Us Location Why US?

Teaching how Black Belt Excellence is more than a “Sport”, It’s a “Way Of Life”.

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Complete Financial Transparency: Our Policy with Money and Membership

This school embraces the practice of complete financial transparency with regards to membership. We post our prices and policies on-line; we do not engage in ANY business practice designed to mislead or manipulate our members into unexpected or unhealthy financial arrangements.

BUYERS BEWARE as there are martial arts schools that purposely mislead and/or intend to manipulate customers into “upgrading” memberships and/or into signing one-sided, long-term contracts for membership. Be careful of those that say “No contracts required EVER!” as a month to month agree is a contract. We offer many options for our members that don’t require commitments beyond the month.

Martial Arts classes at USA Martial Arts are $290 on a month to month program for two classes each week and no reoccurring payment. For those that wish to save money the monthly fees is $258 per month on a reoccurring payment that you control. We also offer students membership on punch pass for those that wish to not be on a monthly program.

We do have a charge for belts, testing (promotions) below black-belt. These are $65 for belts below black belt.

Lastly we do have a one time registration fee of $120 making the first payment $378.

If you have questions about our pricing, please don't hesitate to contact us at 847-838-4488 or email us antiochkarate@gmail.com.

Check Out Our Class Schedule & Web Special! Click Below Before Making Any Commitments. Check It Out Today! Don’t forget, your purchase is completely risk-free with our money-back guarantee.

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing,

          you’ll never get it done.” ~ Bruce Lee

Our classes have limited space and can fill up at any time. So to insure a spot for your family, take action now and click the “Get Started” button above.

We cannot wait to meet your family and get started!


Master Instructor Brian Van Patten

USA Martial Arts

22221 W IL Rt. 173 Suite 111

Antioch, IL 60002

(847) 838-4488

Get started Today is Simple

press the "Get Started" button Below.

You will be taken to a page where you can see our class schedule & our web special,

where you can order right away.Then, after making your (risk-free) payment,

one of our helpful staff members will give you a call (usually within the week)

to schedule a time for your family to get started.

Don’t Forget about Our Guarantee

Not every Family is a fit in our program.

Our Martial Arts classes are not a perfect program for all Families,

So when it is not we offer you to following guarantee.

If after a few classes you think this is not right fit for you and your child, simply let us know and we will gladly refund you in full.

That way you can use that same money to invest in something else for your family.

But chances are you will love it here. And so will your kid.

Either way - you are more than welcome to try it out risk free.

Tuition Transparency (Program cost)

Valid for 30 days from date of purchase.

Hi my name is Master Brian Van Patten.

Families come to our center for all kinds of reasons. But most importantly – they want to help their family have fun while growing important life skills.

However, there seems to be other “key” reasons why families come here also.

Do any of these sound familiar? Or are there other things that have brought you here to this page today?

The most obvious benefit of these classes is the bringing together of families. Many of the same ideas that parents teach their children – respect, self-control, self-confidence, and pride in accomplishments, among others – are reinforced by the instructors. The study of martial arts is a great common interest for parents and kids to share. Not only can they train together, they can practice together, and more importantly, learn from one another. And what better sense of pride can a parent feel than to see their child learning, improving, and mastering – and not from the vantage point of a seat in the audience, but right beside them on the workout floor!

To a Loving Parent, Click Here

Check Out Our Class

Schedule &

See Our One Time

Web Special

Before Making Any


Just Click Below

“Outstanding Antioch Martial Arts Classes Not Only Teaches Self Defense, It Gives Members The Skills Needed For Success In Life...”

 From giving students a sense of focus and discipline...

to helping all overcome ADD, ADHD and other hardships… our martial arts classes are shocking parents at the kinds of results our students are seeing.

Martial Arts Build’s Confidence